【 iPhone X 】史上最貴的「 iPhone X 」為什麼是唸「iPhone Ten」?


蘋果今年推出 iPhone 史上最貴的「iPhone X 」旗艦高階機款,你知道「iPhone X 」要怎麼念嗎?不是唸「叉 」,也不是唸「 ㄟ科司」,「iPhone X 」正確的唸法是「iPhone Ten」。

FILE- In this Jan. 9, 2007, file photo, Apple CEO Steve Jobs holds up an iPhone at the MacWorld Conference in San Francisco. Jobs introduced the first iPhone a decade ago. Jobs' "magical product" reshaped culture, shook up industries and made it seem possible to do just about anything with a few taps on a screen while walking around with the equivalent of a computer in our pocket. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File)
FILE- In this Jan. 9, 2007, file photo, Apple CEO Steve Jobs holds up an iPhone at the MacWorld Conference in San Francisco. Jobs introduced the first iPhone a decade ago. Jobs’ “magical product” reshaped culture, shook up industries and made it seem possible to do just about anything with a few taps on a screen while walking around with the equivalent of a computer in our pocket. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File)

前執行長賈伯斯在 2007 年推出第一支 iPhone ,到今年正好是十週年,為紀念十週年創下的輝煌紀錄,同時,並做為開創下一個智慧型手機十年的代表性象徵,蘋果打造出這款有史以來變化幅度最大的「iPhone X 」。


此外,「iPhone X 」的「X」也代表著羅馬數字的「10」,並不是英文字母。

或許你會好奇,今年推出 iPhone 8 、iPhone Ten,那明年、後年,還會有iPhone 9、iPhone 10嗎?

此次推出的特別紀念款「iPhone X 」,蘋果首度採用特別的命名方式,由此也可看出,蘋果打破以往對iPhone 產品型號的命名方式,至於明年、後年的 iPhone 會怎麼命名,就有待明年發表會庫克揭曉了。