你也偷偷問過?Google 前 20 大熱門古怪問題是這些!

在生活上碰到任何疑難雜症或是各樣問題,你會怎麼做?想必很多人應該不會立刻就跑去求神問卜,而是直接點開瀏覽器,先問問「Google 大神」!Google 的確是我們生活中的好幫手,不過你知道大家都在 Google 上問什麼問題嗎?國外科技網站與 Google 日前就釋出一份調查,統計人們在 Google 搜尋上詢問的前 20 大古怪問題!快來看看有哪些!

The neon Google sign is seen in the foyer of Google's new Canadian engineering headquarters in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario in this January 14, 2016 file photo. Google is shuttering Google Compare, its U.S. comparison-shopping site for auto insurance, credit cards and mortgages after one year, the Wall Street Journal reported on February 22, 2016, citing people familiar with the matter. REUTERS/Peter Power/Files

排名第一的怪問題是「我懷孕了嗎?」(Am I Pregnant?),每個月有高達 90500 名女性在 Google 上搜尋這個問題,好像 Google 可以幫她們做驗孕測試一樣!第二名和第三名則是「我要怎麼回家」(How Do I Get Home?)以及「外星人是真的嗎?」(Are Aliens Real?),每個月都有 49500 次的搜尋量。

The neon Google sign is seen in the foyer of Google's new Canadian engineering headquarters in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario in this January 14, 2016 file photo. Google is shuttering Google Compare, its U.S. comparison-shopping site for auto insurance, credit cards and mortgages after one year, the Wall Street Journal reported on February 22, 2016, citing people familiar with the matter. REUTERS/Peter Power/Files

另外,「放屁能不能燃燒脂肪?」(Does Farting Burn Calories?)以及「我什麼時候死?」(When Will I Die?)每個月也有 49500 次的搜尋量,排名第四與第五。

The neon Google sign is seen in the foyer of Google's new Canadian engineering headquarters in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario in this January 14, 2016 file photo. Google is shuttering Google Compare, its U.S. comparison-shopping site for auto insurance, credit cards and mortgages after one year, the Wall Street Journal reported on February 22, 2016, citing people familiar with the matter. REUTERS/Peter Power/Files

The neon Google sign is seen in the foyer of Google's new Canadian engineering headquarters in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario in this January 14, 2016 file photo. Google is shuttering Google Compare, its U.S. comparison-shopping site for auto insurance, credit cards and mortgages after one year, the Wall Street Journal reported on February 22, 2016, citing people familiar with the matter. REUTERS/Peter Power/Files

過去網路上曾流傳一段「如果 Google 是個真人」(If Google was a guy)的幽默影片,影片中把 Google 擬人化,有趣地演出了人們會詢問 Google 的古怪問題,還真的反映了人們在搜尋引擎的真實情況!看看上述這些怪問題,快算算看你是不是也問過幾個呢!
The neon Google sign is seen in the foyer of Google's new Canadian engineering headquarters in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario in this January 14, 2016 file photo. Google is shuttering Google Compare, its U.S. comparison-shopping site for auto insurance, credit cards and mortgages after one year, the Wall Street Journal reported on February 22, 2016, citing people familiar with the matter. REUTERS/Peter Power/Files
